Candlestick Holders

2-4 Candlestick Holder

Customize Your Size and Color

Repurposed Fun!

We started SM Love after we made our first mosaic table from some discarded table legs and pieces of broken ceramic. (Get an engineer and a performing artist together and you have no idea what will happen!)

One of the things we loved about creating it was making something out of repurposed materials. 

A few days later Mel was driving around trying to find some more tile and maybe some wood to create something else and she ran into Reclaim NW in Portland, OR just as it was reopening.

That opened up a new world of making new things! Also, the owners and staff are amazing and so helpful!!!

Steve loves working with wood and creating. He found pieces that he loved like sconces and pieces of frames from old houses. We bought them, painted them, refinished them and made them into new things just for your house! (and ours)

I hope you enjoy them. 

Candles not included 😝